
  • 103 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    Every day for the past several days there have been cars parked in the bike lane on route 99 northbound.
    Enforcement would be welcomed. Please ticket these vehicles.
  • 103 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    Every day for the past several days there have been cars parked in the bike lane on route 99 northbound.
    Enforcement would be welcomed. Please ticket these vehicles.
  • 730 Eastern Ave Malden, MA - Malden Ward 6

    In both of the recent snowstorms, the snow from the parking lot at 730 Eastern Ave was plowed onto the bike path.
    The path is now clear and in use all the way through Everett and Malden except for that one stretch adjacent to the parking lot, which is buried under a glacial mass.

    In addition to blocking the bike path, the plows are likely to damage the fence that the City of Malden recently installed.

  • 60-78 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    On the evening of Tuesday, 12/17, plows cleared the left 2 lanes of Route 99 south of Sweetser Circle at Route 16, and filled the bike lane with large piles of snow and ice.
    This is only a problem on the southbound side, and only an issue between Route 16 and the Boston/Everett line near Dexter Street.
  • 438 Rutherford Avenue Boston, Massachusetts - Charlestown
    A bunch of rocks and gravel were dumped on the southbound shoulder of Rutherford Ave on Wed 11/20/2013. Please clear and sweep if possible.
    This is a hazard because people on bikes have to swing out and merge into high speed traffic in order to steer around the rocks.
  • 572-594 Rutherford Avenue Boston, Massachusetts - Charlestown

    Construction has been going on for the last couple weeks at the left edge of the southbound lanes at the northern end of Rutherford Avenue. As it currently stands, this is too narrow for two lanes of cars plus bikes. Please use cones to squeeze it to one vehicle lane plus a bike lane for that stretch.

    Attached image is a photo taken today (10/17), from when I happened to be passing through. The truck has a car to its left, preventing it from moving left, and the trailer passes the bike with inches (or less) of clearance.

  • sign down Archived
    Northern Strand Community Trail Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 6
    Street sign lying on ground
  • 160-170 North Washington Street Boston, Massachusetts - US Congressional District MA8

    The road over the Charlestown Bridge (N. Washington St. which then becomes Rutherford Ave) would benefit from "Bicycles may use full lane" signs in both directions. See Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, sign R4-11.

    Experienced cyclists on this stretch of road already use the full lane and a formal sign notifying motorists would be helpful. Inexperienced cyclists either hug the edge in what becomes a truly dangerous maneuver on the bridge or they illegally and awkwardly squeeze past pedestrians on the sidewalk (which currently has scaffolding on one side during construction work, and heavy pedestrian traffic at times on both sides).

    This is not a re-design. It is a sufficiently clear-cut case that it just seems like an oversight to be handled by a replacement of signs that should have been there in the first place.